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Seeing PLAID

She’s back!

And she’s as stubborn as ever about her clothes. Molly McBride is still wearing her treasured purple nun’s habit, but now our faith-filled 5-year-old has a whole new wardrobe worry:


And, of course, Mary Margaret McBride (better known as Molly to her adoring fans) will be following in Sissy’s, that is, Therese’s footsteps and enrolling at Holy Trinity Catholic School. And, of course, there is that little issue of the school uniform.

“Daddy, why can’t I wear my purple habit to school?” asks Molly on the night before kindergarten orientation. “It’s Catholic, right? In fact, isn’t it even MORE Catholic than a jumper?”

Join Molly, Francis, and all the kindergarteners at Holy Trinity Catholic School as they learn that, although appearances and uniforms have their place, it’s what’s underneath matters most.

Coming March 2017!
