Book Updates!, It's sharing time!, On Being a Good Friend, Uncategorized

Influencer Of Social Media, Etc.

Blessed am I. So, so blessed am I. For God put in my life such a wonderful group of friends. Yes, some of you are friends whose faces and words have been entirely the glowing-rectangle type, but I call you friends, nevertheless.

Today I opened my large glowing rectangle (laptop) to discover my interview by one of my heroes Amy Brooks has been published! (Squee!!!) Check it out:

Prayer, Wine, Chocolate article.

First thought: Man! Am I really that chatty? Amy, seriously, I apologize for taking up so much of your time, lol!!

Second thought: My goodness I’ve had a weird life! Never saw THAT comin’ when I was 16.

And, get this, I’m sharing article space with Anni Harry, veteran Catholic mom blogger extraordinaire of A Beautiful, Camouflaged, Mess Of a Life. Get out of town! I LOVE her!! What an honor!

Once again I am just sooooo touched, even if it’s the cybernate kind of touching, by the strength of this community of faith-filled workers for Jesus.

Special thanks to Amy Brooks, mom, author and business woman, empress of the Prayer, Wine, Chocolate super power that is taking the world by storm. She ROCKS, and, besides the link above, you can check her out here:

PWC FB page.



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Molly vs. Bully?

The sweetest piece of fan mail arrived today from Indiana. Tommy, a Catholic dad and campus security officer at a Catholic college, was very moved by Molly McBride and the Plaid Jumper. He wrote to me that reading about the school uniforms brought back some very clear memories:

         “I remember one incident when we were out playing, this big boy was mocking me, making fun of me behind my back. This was before I got my hearing aid–I was deaf. But this girl (God bless her!) jumped on that boy and knocked him down. Her name was Nancy, but I secretly called her my Joan of Arc. From then on nobody ever poked fun at me again. Nancy followed me throughout school, all the way up to graduation. I keep my graduation picture up in the computer room, and there’s Nancy to remind me of 3rd Grade so many years ago at Immaculate Conception School.”


And just like that, I could picture a flash of plaid as a brave, heroic girl named Nancy rescued poor Tommy. But in my mind, there were streaming locks of unruly auburn curls mixed with the mess of gray-and-navy. It looked something like this:Molly n bully “Maybe, Jean, you can write a Molly McBride story about bullies in school.”

God bless YOU, Tommy. I’ll see what I can do.



Book Updates!, It's sharing time!, Mothers of Mollies

Let’s shop together!

It’s not too late, right? Can we still find some great Easter-basket-stuffers that won’t get our dental plan cancelled?

I’m throwing together this sharing post because I know a whole bunch of us are in the same sinking ship BOAT as we scramble to Easter shop while keeping some semblance of Lentitude (I made that up. It’s the attitude we do our best to assume during Lent.)  as Holy Week approaches.

So, I’ll go first with posting the obvious. Please click here to order MMPJ direct from my awesome publisher, Gracewatch Media/ Peanut Butter and Grace Books. Not only do they have a nice sale going on with the hardcover edition, but they have made an Easter Bundle if you’re new to the Molly thing: you can get a discount on ordering both MMPH and MMPJ softcovers together.

For your convenience, you can also add to your Amazon order by clicking here for Plaid Jumper or here for Purple Habit.

Hopefully I’ll have some other cute Molly McBride swag coming soon.

Now it’s your turn! I still need to fill my Molly’s (and Sissy’s) Easter baskets. Show me what you are either selling or buying. Include links whenever possible!
