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Stories: Gift That Keep on Giving

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Christmas Promo! New titles being added daily, so keep on checking in with us.

Visit our bookstore, below. Enter code CHRISTMAS19 at checkout.

Perpetua Lux Books: Carefully Curated Books for Catholics

Molly McBride and the Purple Habit is a series of children's picture books by Jean Schoonover-Egolf.
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Happy Mother’s Day!


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As We Forgive Those

I wonder, how many others might begin reading this book and think it will be another Marian theology study? While Forgiving Mother: A Marian Novena of Healing and Peace is an extremely well-written Marian theological resource, it is much more. Yes, Steinhage-Fenelon explores the role of Mary in our personal lives for the purpose of teaching us about charity and forgiveness. Yes, she offers plenty of solid, supporting content, both biblical and Church doctrinal, to illustrate each of her ideas. Yes, she provides us with a beautiful Marian novena to pray as a part of the enlightenment brought forth by her thesis statement.

What I didn’t realize is that the title is missing an “A.”

This book isn’t about how Mary, Mother of God, is a forgiving mother. This book, while remaining a beautiful treatise on Mary’s forgiving nature, is the tale of how the author came to forgive her mother. It is a sort of self-help book for anyone who has suffered abuse, of any kind, at the hand of someone who was supposed to be a provider of love and instiller of trust. While there is a lot of literature out there about surviving child or partner abuse, I know of no other source as powerful as this one, because Steinhage-Fenelon has meticulously provided very practical, step-by-step advice, along with the logic of Marian theology and the power of prayer, to bring her readers to begin the process of healing. I would venture to say that Forgiving Mother can even serve as a source of healing for the repentant abuser, as well.

Forgiving is hard. Even forgiving little stuff is hard if you don’t know how. We none of us can accrue enough tools to help us get better at forgiveness. I highly recommend Forgiving Mother not only for people who are looking for help working through past trauma, but for EVERYONE, because we can all use some help learning how to truly “forgive those who trespass against us.”

What are you reading? You can share your favorite books by tagging your social media posts with #OpenBook and linking up with us at Carolyn Astfalk’s “My Scribbler’s Heart” blog as well as CatholicMom.

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Trifecta in February

The header image above is an actual message I received, in a rather round-about way, from a reader. Fear not, faithful followers of the fiery-haired five-year-old! The “folks” over here in Mollyland have set a goal: in 2018, the month of Valentines and Mardi Gras will feature BOOK THREE! Rumor has it, it’ll be something to party about. Little teaser:

sprucing upFEBStay tuned for updates!

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Liberty For All . . . and a set just for you!

Summer and BOOKS! I’m so honored to share these hot summer reads with all my friends . . .


chasing liberty trilogy promotion

Here’s the lowdown on the Liberty Trilogy:

A young woman named Liberty lives in a dystopian society where the earth has been elevated above man and the government controls everything. Moving from one trial to another—escapes, imprisonment, secret missions, rescues, 3D games—this action-packed trilogy follows Liberty to her final sacrifice as she learns that true freedom is within, cannot be taken away, and is worth fighting for.”

And the BEST news is: Right Now There’s a Giveaway:

Enter the Chasing Liberty Trilogy Giveaway for a chance to win the complete trilogy!

Need more Liberty? Click HERE to watch the book trailer for Fight for Liberty.

Books are available in paperback and as Kindle and Nook eBooks (other eBook options at Smashwords):

Chasing Liberty on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble

Testing Liberty on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble

Fight for Liberty on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble

Author bio: 

Raised in a military family, Theresa Linden developed a strong patriotism and a sense of adventure. She began writing in grade school and her passion for writing has never waned. Love for faith, family, and freedom inspired her to write the Chasing Libertytrilogy, a dystopian story about a future she hopes never becomes a reality. Her other published works include award-winning Roland West, Loner, first in a series of Catholic teen fiction, Life-Changing Love, and her newest release, Battle for His Soul. A member of the Catholic Writers Guild and the International Writers Association, she balances her time between family, homeschooling, and writing. She lives in Elyria, Ohio with her husband, their three adopted boys, and a sweet old dog named Rudy.

Visit Theresa on Facebook, her blog Things Visible & Invisible, or on her website.



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This Place Is a Real Gem!

Have you heard about Catholic Treasures?

‘Tis the season to stock up on your beach reads, no? So I have a GREAT idea. Check out this new online bookstore! “CT” officially launched March 28, 2017 with the promise: “Buy Catholic books directly at a lower cost than Amazon while supporting a faith-centered retailer.”Father Matt on the beach

“A traditional Catholic bookstore with an emphasis on spiritual classics written by saints and Catholic novels written by contemporary authors,” the site is very easy to use and clearly organized by subject, and there is a nice children’s section as well. I immediately spied some of our family favorites such as The Father Brown Reader and My Path To Heaven as well as, well, you know! (Yep, they’re running a great sale on MMPH AND MMPJ right now!)

Although Catholic Treasures is owned and operated by Tumblar House books, they have expanded into retail because, according to their site, “There is such a tremendous wealth of Catholic tradition that is passed down through books. We have a special passion for Catholic novels. There are so many great Catholic novels out there that deserve more attention!” I highly recommend Young Adult novel  Seven Riddles to Nowhere by A. J. Cattapan as well as The Birdface Series by Cynthia Toney. I spy a goldmine of authors on our family’s reading wish list! There are some Leslea Wahl, Carolyn Astfalk, AND Theresa Linden titles! Looks like I’ll be placing an order today.

Besides novels, dig around for all your favorite spirituality authors from the precious classics like Sheed and Sheen to contemporaries including Hahn and Kreeft. The site has a growing selection of films, too.

Other publishing houses represented at Catholic Treasures include Ignatius Press, Tan Books, Sophia Press, Pauline Books and Media and, of course, “Molly’s” home Gracewatch Media.

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“Catholic Etsy” Is a Thing Already

Have you heard of Peter’s Square? I haven’t run into too many friends who have, actually. And this makes me kinda sad. But then again, the company’s 1-year anniversary is this month, so they’re pretty new! It looks like a great site, and I am considering setting up cyber-shop on there myself. One of my Catholic social media buddies Chiara Finaldi interviewed the online Catholic marketplace’s founder David Rummelhoff. That interview was published by Regina magazine and can be read here.

Here are some great points from Chiara’s article to consider:

  1. Fees are slightly less than Etsy’s.
  2. Vendors commit to giving at least ten percent of their proceeds to Catholic ministries.
  3. There is screening to prevent any unwholesome products from being sold. on the site.
  4. All vendors are Catholic, but the products do not necessarily have to be religious.
  5. Solidarity. We stand united when we support our Catholic brothers and sisters by purchasing from each other.

I really, really think you should check out Peter’s Square and bookmark it on your browser!

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And the Winner Is

Congrats to Katherine S.! There were 86 entries, and she is the winner of my very first ever Rafflecopter contest, so a signed copy of MMPH is headed her way.

What’s the best part of these giveaways? Making new friends! I had the pleasure of communicating with Katherine via email as well as friending her on FB and checking out her beautiful blog!

Here I am at my beautiful mess, signing her book for her 5 daughters. I told Katherine I hope at least one of them is considering a religious vocation 😉 .


More giveaways are forthcoming, so stay tuned!
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Book Giveaway To Celebrate World Day Of Prayer For Vocations!

For the 54th World Day of Vocations, Vatican Radio has announced that the 2017 message will be “Led by the Spirit for Mission.” Pope Francis said, “I ask parish communities, associations and the many prayer groups present in the Church, not to yield to discouragement but to continue praying that the Lord will send workers to his harvest.  May he give us priests enamoured of the Gospel, close to all their brothers and sisters, living signs of God’s merciful love.”

The idea to create the Molly McBride character and books came to me after many years of praying about the need for more men and women to enter the religious life. Therefore, it seems fit that I should send a free copy of “Molly” out into the world on this special day. Click below and good luck! Drawing will be Monday, May 8, the day following World Day of Prayer For Vocations.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Let’s shop together!

It’s not too late, right? Can we still find some great Easter-basket-stuffers that won’t get our dental plan cancelled?

I’m throwing together this sharing post because I know a whole bunch of us are in the same sinking ship BOAT as we scramble to Easter shop while keeping some semblance of Lentitude (I made that up. It’s the attitude we do our best to assume during Lent.)  as Holy Week approaches.

So, I’ll go first with posting the obvious. Please click here to order MMPJ direct from my awesome publisher, Gracewatch Media/ Peanut Butter and Grace Books. Not only do they have a nice sale going on with the hardcover edition, but they have made an Easter Bundle if you’re new to the Molly thing: you can get a discount on ordering both MMPH and MMPJ softcovers together.

For your convenience, you can also add to your Amazon order by clicking here for Plaid Jumper or here for Purple Habit.

Hopefully I’ll have some other cute Molly McBride swag coming soon.

Now it’s your turn! I still need to fill my Molly’s (and Sissy’s) Easter baskets. Show me what you are either selling or buying. Include links whenever possible!
