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Perpetua Lux Books: Carefully Curated Books for Catholics

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7 Must-Know Authors of Catholic Children’s Books

Momma’s loving these kind (and hilarious) words from author Theresa Linden, award-winning novelist of the West Brothers’ series and many more!image.pngvia 7 Must-Know Authors of Catholic Children’s Books

“I have actually met this talented and amazing author in person! Jean Schoonover-Egolf and I both attended the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference, making our books available to attendees. At one point, a sister in a purple habit approached Jean Egolf’s table and the two of them stood talking for a moment. Well, I was impressed. This woman loves Jeanie Egolf’s books so much, I thought, that she dressed up like the main character in her Molly McBride and the Purple Habit series!

“Well, I was wrong. She was a real Sister! There really is an order of Sisters who wear purple habits! They are called the Children of Mary and they are a new community in the service of the Church “to satiate the thirst of Jesus to be loved in the Most Blessed Sacrament.”

“Through entertaining and beautifully illustrated stories, the Molly McBride and the Purple Habit series promotes charity, virtue and even plants the seeds for vocations in little hearts.”

Religious vocations awareness through children's literature
Sister and Molly have a heart-to-heart.
Purple Nun with Molly
Yes, The “purple nuns” are real!
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As Promised: Great War, Great Love 3!

Friends, you know how I love me some Ellen Gable. She does historical fiction/Catholic romance like nobody’s business! I am so happy that I no longer have to keep this one a secret, and secret I did promise to keep, because I had a tiny role in Ella’s Promise. (I helped with some of the medical info! Every now and then I still get to use that M. D.)

“When she joins the war effort during the Great War, American nurse Ella Neumann doesn’t see allies or enemies. The daughter of German immigrants, Ella sees only human beings in need of care. A promise to herself and a promise made to her by an enemy officer become the catalyst for the life she plans to lead after the war. But a handsome Canadian soldier may complicate her plans. In this third installment of the Great War – Great Love series, join Ella in a tale of promises, betrayal and unconditional love.”

In case you forgot, m’girl Ellen is an award-winning author (2010 IPPY, 2015 IAN finalist, 2019 IAN Finalist), publisher (2016 CALA), editor, self-publishing book coach, speaker, NFP teacher, Marriage Preparation Instructor, Theology of the Body for Teens instructor, and past president of the Catholic Writers Guild. She is an author of ten books and a contributor to numerous others. Her novels have been collectively downloaded 750,000 times. Some of her books have been translated into Portuguese, Italian, French, and Spanish. She and her husband, James, are the parents of five adult sons, seven precious souls in heaven and one cherished grandson. In her spare time, Ellen enjoys reading on her Kindle, genealogy, and watching classic movies and TV shows. Her website is Ellen is past President of the Catholic Writers Guild (2012-2015). She has appeared numerous times on EWTN’s Bookmark with Doug Keck, EWTN radio and other Catholic TV and radio shows. A frequent presenter at Catholic conferences and Catholic high schools, Ellen speaks on a variety of topics: Pregnancy Loss, Theology of the Body for Teens, Responsible Parenthood, Natural Family Planning and various writing topics. She and her husband of 37 years, James Hrkach, live in Pakenham, Ontario Canada.

You can follow the amazing Ellen Gable on her Blog: Plot Line and Sinker.

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