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7 Must-Know Authors of Catholic Children’s Books

Momma’s loving these kind (and hilarious) words from author Theresa Linden, award-winning novelist of the West Brothers’ series and many more!image.pngvia 7 Must-Know Authors of Catholic Children’s Books

“I have actually met this talented and amazing author in person! Jean Schoonover-Egolf and I both attended the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference, making our books available to attendees. At one point, a sister in a purple habit approached Jean Egolf’s table and the two of them stood talking for a moment. Well, I was impressed. This woman loves Jeanie Egolf’s books so much, I thought, that she dressed up like the main character in her Molly McBride and the Purple Habit series!

“Well, I was wrong. She was a real Sister! There really is an order of Sisters who wear purple habits! They are called the Children of Mary and they are a new community in the service of the Church “to satiate the thirst of Jesus to be loved in the Most Blessed Sacrament.”

“Through entertaining and beautifully illustrated stories, the Molly McBride and the Purple Habit series promotes charity, virtue and even plants the seeds for vocations in little hearts.”

Religious vocations awareness through children's literature
Sister and Molly have a heart-to-heart.
Purple Nun with Molly
Yes, The “purple nuns” are real!

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